Sunday, May 24, 2020

Democrats In PANIC MODE Over Unhinged Trump Cheating Theory, Michael Moo...

Trump is Taking HCQ! And Negative-Nancy-Pelosi's Fat Shaming! | Good Mo...

What America is Barack Obama Living In? | Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

Trump Retweets A Guy Calling Hillary A "Skank" And Stacey Abrams Fat Tri...

if you cry you lose

Joe Biden Makes His Biggest Gaffe YET, Trump Campaign POUNCES Brilliantly

Journalists Are Getting TRIGGERED By Kayleigh McEnany, Even Fox News Dra...

Jim Carrey’s bizarre Trump Meltdown & Trump Meltdowns on TikTok Compilation

Biden Campaign is a TRAIN WRECK! Joe is DONE after this...

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

NYT Says Tesla Owners Are Scared The Cars Are Right Wing Now After Elon ...

New York May Elect "Trump Loving" Democrat Next To Ocasio Cortez, A Sign...

Tucker breaks down the contenders to be Joe Biden's running mate

Top 5 WORST Governor Responses to COVID-19 | Stu Does America

'LOL JK!' CDC Says COVID-19 Doesn't Spread Easily On Surfaces | The News...

Trump ENDS Twitter with EPIC TROLL!!

Biden Quid Pro Quo Scandal ERUPTS, Biden's Call LEAKS As GOP Issues Subp...

Trump and Nancy are AT BATTLE once again...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Final Nail In Russiagate Coffin: CrowdStrike Admits “No Evidence”

Donald trump RIPS Chuck Tod After He Gets Caught Pushing Fake News, MSNB...


Rand Paul Confronts Dr. Fauci to His Face, Exposes Truth About Modeling

Tucker: Susan Rice and the origins of the Russia investigation

#OBAMAGATE BOMBSHELL! Obama PANICS as Trump Prepares to CRUSH the DEEP S...

Dems FURIOUS! Tesla LEAVING California!!

HEROES ACT: Call It What You Want. It Will Still Cost $3 TRIL! | The New...
