Wednesday, June 17, 2020

DEMS IN TROUBLE! Media Working OVERTIME To Distract From BIG VICTORY In ...

CHAZ Community Members Defend Theft: "Consider It an Unplanned Donation"...

Far left Rioting BACKFIRES As Armed Counter Groups Strike Back, Regular ...

President Trump Restored my hope in America Today

Tucker takes you inside America's newest neighbor: CHOP

Reforming Police: GOP Now Think MORE Govt Will Fix Things | The News & W...

CNN's Acosta ROASTED Over Fake COVID Concerns, McEnany's Epic Mic Drop M...

Seattle's CHAZ changes its name to CHOP, calls for new “French Revolutio...

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Obama Legacy OVER. Senate GOP Unleashing SUBPOENA POWER On Obama Officia...

Why the Polls Are Wrong on Trump | Louder with Crowder

DEMS OUT OF CONTROL! Trump SLAMS Dem Mayor for INACTION On Violence.

Steven and Michael Knowles: Protests, Rioters, and Trump | Louder With C...

The Sad Antifa Garden of Seattle, Analyzed

Antifa INDICTED And Now Faces LIFE In Prison, Far Leftists Are Building ...

Trump GOES IN on Joe Biden after Joe said this...

Far Leftists Enact Racial Segregation At "The CHAZ" In Seattle, Right Wi...

Friday, June 12, 2020

Hilarious Pandering Backfire by Nancy Pelosi & Democrats

TOP 5 Leftist Protester MYTHS | Louder with Crowder

Joe Rogan Talks Antifa Taking Over 6 Blocks of Seattle w/Bill Burr

Seattle has FALLEN. Streets TAKEN OVER by Protestors...(Autonomous Zone)

Funniest Liberal Meltdown of 2020 (so far)

ANTIFA: The truth behind the mask


Pennsylvania Legislature Votes to End Governors' Lockdown

CNN Warns Of "Bloodshed" If Trump Follow Through With Retaking Antifasta...

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Celebrities Fuel Riot Meltdown | Obama calling Looters "Thugs"

Crowder Catches Don Lemon In Blatant Lie-- In Real Time!!! | Louder With...

What's Next, Godzilla? |

Lifelong Democrat Goes FULL MAGA, Tells me Trump MUST Win And Republican...

Pro Black Lives Matter Activists CAUGHT Bringing Weapons To NYC, Waving ...

Rand Paul Exposes Joe Biden's Dark Ties To Obamagate

Touching Montage of Patriots In Self-Defense | Louder With Crowder

Media And Democrats "Political Hit Job" Against Trump And COVID Medicine...