Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sigh... Yet Another 'Bombshell' in Trump's Ukraine Phone Call | The News...

Second Democrat Sentenced In Federal Offense, Doxxing Republican Senators

Nancy Pelosi Won’t Make Her Impeachment Inquiry Legit Because It’s NOT! ...

Democrat Katie Hill RESIGNS Amid Growing Scandal, So Ilhan Omar Should R...

Florida Man ARRESTED After Allegedly Attacking 67 year Old Trump Supporter

AOC Humiliates Herself at Hearing, Proves She's CLUELESS


Trump Says Chicago an Embarrassment Overrun With Crime... Is He Wrong?

Monday, October 28, 2019

KANYE WEST: Christian or Fraud? | Louder with Crowder

Crowd Boos Trump, Chants Lock Him Up, Leftists Say "Its Ok When We Do It"

US Forces Kill al-Baghdadi as Trump Destroys the Democrats!!!

Hey WaPo, Al-Baghdadi Is a Terrorist, NOT 'Religious Scholar' | The New...

Jon Miller: ISIS Leader Killed, Yet Rabid Leftists Still Say ORANGE MAN ...

The Pentagon Provides Details of the Raid on al-Baghdadi

Studies Show Millennials Support Socialism, Want Jail Time For Offensive...

President Trump at #IACP2019: The Definition of Magnificent and Exhibit ...

Pop Quiz on the Beach, Part 2

Dan Bongino: Media really blew it on al-Baghdadi coverage

New York City BUSTED "Exporting" Homeless People To Other States

Legacy Media Washington Post Calls Baghdadi "Austere Religious Scholar" ...

Saagar Enjeti exposes 'neoliberal shapeshifter poll-tested' Pete Buttigieg

Corporate Multibillionaire George Soros Likes Elizabeth Warren


Attorney General Bill Barr: We'll let the chips fall where they may

Media Runs INSANE Theories About Trump And Baghdadi, Proves The Ridiculo...

The Democrats Have Inadvertently Made Tulsi Gabbard Their Worst Nightmare

Sunday, October 27, 2019

POLL: Brainwashed Liberals Luv The CIA Most!

Obama’s Spygate: DOJ report almost ready for release

Former FBI official James Baker flipped, cooperating with Barr investiga...

Media Calls Baghdadi AUSTERE SCHOLAR??! Trump Derangement Syndrome On OV...

DOJ Barr and Durham close in on Brennan, Clapper and Comey

Al Baghdadi Reportedly Dead In US Raid, Dying "Like a Dog, Like a Coward"

Trump Camp Trolls Biden With Websites Again

Nice Try, Dems, but Your Impeachment Inquiry Is NO Match for Trump I Wilkow

Bill Maher Frustrated With the Democrats- HAHAHA!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Durham Investigation Into Russia Collusion Origin IS NOW A CRIMINAL Inve...

Most Americans Officially OPPOSE Free Speech And Want Jail Time For Offe...

Millionaire Democrat Tells Voters To SWALLOW IT!

Greta Thunberg is Now Attacking FACEBOOK!!!

Jimmy Dore: Hillary-Tulsi feud helps Tulsi's campaign

Justice Department Launches CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION against DEEP STATE!!!

THE FACTS: "Transgender" Child Caught in Legal Battle | Louder with Crowder

Analyzing the Fans of Each Democratic Candidate

DEMOCRATS Are Calling Hillary Clinton POLITICAL CANCER!!!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Clueless CBS Host Schooled By Tulsi


Miley Cyrus Faces Activist BACKLASH For Saying "You Don't Have To Be Gay"

Texas Judge Rules Father Has a Say in Seven-Year-Old Son’s Gender Transi...

Democrats PANIC Over Trump’s RECORD BREAKING Fundraising!!!

You’ve Been Struck by a Smooth Criminal (Investigation) | The News & Wh...

Buttigieg Copying Hillary’s Losing Strategy To A Tee

#571 TRANSGENDERS COME FOR YOUR KIDS | Rand Paul Guests | Louder with Cr...

Hillary Clinton Might Actually Be Insane Enough to Run Again

Jon Miller to Ilhan Omar: You Don’t Understand America!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

James Younger Updates & Congress Makes Zuckerberg Tolerable | The News &...

Russia origins probe now a criminal investigation

Biden Unleashes the Most Pathetic Campaign Ad in U.S. History

Tucker: How Elizabeth Warren's surge affects every American

Jill Stein Smashes Hillary & Defends Julian Assange

Biden FORGOT To Buy Campaign Website So Trump BOUGHT IT, Trump Made Bide...


Hunter Biden Cries When Asked About Ukraine Corruption

Will Texas Governor Greg Abbott Protect 7-Year-Old James Younger? & Matt...

Jury Rules Against Texas Dad Fighting 7-Year-Old Son’s Chemical Castration

Jimmy Dore talks impeachment, Bernie debate bias


No One’s Really Thought About What Happens If Articles of Impeachment Ar...

Women Are CEO’s Of Top Weapons Manufactures

Conservative Hungary Fines Coca-Cola for Ads Featuring Same Sex Couples!!!

Zuckerberg's Policies Are Scary! But AOC Took It To A New Level!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard's *NEW* Ad Taking Clinton To Task On Foreign Policy

Ratings for CBS Evening News are IMPLODING!!!

AOC Basically Orders Facebook to Interfere in Our Elections | Clip + Ana...

The Impeachment Inquiry Against Donald Trump IS a Lynching! | Ep 467

Trump announces 'permanent' cease-fire in Syria, end to sanctions on Turkey

Gutfeld on the Tulsi and Hillary battle for America

‘Throuples’ Are Apparently A Thing | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 399

Saagar Enjeti: Warren caught admitting she has no healthcare plan

Ilhan Omar Secret Relationship EXPOSED, DailyMail Claims PROOF Of Secret...

CNN Fearmongers About Memes Some More, Says Kek is White Supremacy

BREAKING: *PROOF*Tulsi Was Right About "Proxies" Working For Hillary To ...


Steven Crowder Demands Answers of YouTube's Gabbard Censorship | Louder ...

Surprise! Look Who’s Supporting Tulsi Over Hillary!

NYT Stealth Edited Hillary Conspiracy Article To CHANGE Russia To REPUBL...

Mark's Mailbox: The Pronoun Police

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jury Rules 7 Year Old WILL Transition To Female Against Father's Wishes

Even CNN Defends Tulsi & Condemns Hillary’s Unhinged Accusations

7,200 Jobs CUT At CNN, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed in 2019!!!

Why Is Hillary Clinton Smearing Tulsi Gabbard As A Russian Asset? | DIRE...

GASP! President Trump Tweeted the L-word | The News & Why It Matters | E...

‘She’s a Moron!’ Tucker SHOCKED By AOC’s New Welfare Expansion Plan

Stand with Tulsi against Clinton's new McCarthyism and warmongering

Pierre Delecto! Mitt Romney is Totally Insane and Should Resign


Transgender cyclist Rachel McKinnon DESTROYS women at World Championships


Man Investigated For Hate Crime For Refusing To Sleep With Trans Person

Saagar Enjeti: Why Warren, Buttigieg don't stand a chance against Trump?

Trudeau LOSES His Majority while Quebec Nationalism SURGES!!!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Tulsi Drops Hammer On Red-Baiting Hillary

Tucker: Hillary spreads vicious lies about fellow Democrats

Russian to Conclusions: Hillary vs. Tulsi and Jill | The News & Why It M...

REBUTTAL: TYT's Abortion Lies! | Louder with Crowder

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Defends Tulsi Against Hillary's Smear Campaign!

Greta Thunberg Rally DISRUPTED by Hundreds of PROTESTERS!!!

The Road to Syria--Obama Admin. KNEW Weapons Were Shipped from Benghazi ...


TRUMP UNLEASHED: President Trump FULL Remarks At White House

Dem CIVIL WAR: Tulsi Gabbard calls Hillary Clinton ‘Embodiment of Corrup...

Saagar Enjeti: Media, Hillary team-up to smear Tulsi

Steve: Impeachment is partisan politics dressed up as principle

173 Republicans back motion to censure Adam Schiff

Trump Comes To The DEFENSE Of Tulsi Gabbard over Russia Smear

Legacy Media Recycles 2015 for 2019

BREAKING: Donald Trump DEFENDS Tulsi Gabbard?!?!?!?!

Sunday, October 20, 2019


BREAKING: Tülsî’s OFFICIAL Video Response To HRC’s Smears

The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 10/20/19 | Breaking Fox Ne­w­s O­c...

So What Exactly Makes You Think Tulsi Gabbard’s Who You Think She Is?

Gutfeld: The better Trump does, the more insane the left acts

Trump Derangement Syndrome Turns ‘War Hating’ Left into Bush’s BIGGEST F...

State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review: Reports It Found Nearly...

Scariest Part About the Project Veritas CNN Exposé: Mindless Spicolis In...

Dingbat Oven Mitt Fashionista HRC: Tulsi Gabbard’s A 'Russian Asset' Gro...

Rod Stewart - Maggie May with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (Official...

BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Obliterates Clinton's Whole Career W/ Scathing S...

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Hillary Clinton On Twitter | The Full Guide | Ti...

Rand Paul Explains the Two Big Lies of "Democratic" Socialism I Kibbe on...

Spotlight: Warren's Medicare for all plan

Max Blumenthal on why Hillary Clinton smeared Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein

Tulsi Gabbard CRUSHES a Hillary Clinton, driven insane by phantom Russia...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Trump's Biggest Rally Ever?

So Long Conspiracy Theories: Telling the Truth Is Now A “Kremlin Talking...

Hillary Clinton Goes Totally Insane, Says Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian Age...

Tulsi Gabbard Just WRECKED Hillary Clinton

Fox’s Hillary Fan SLAMS Tulsi for Choosing Tucker’s Show to Defend Herself

This Is The Final Nail For Hillary Clinton! Tulsi Gabbard Moves On Up!

Mark Zuckerberg Just DEFENDED Donald Trump?! Says Facebook Will Uphold F...

Bongino slams Elizabeth Warren over medicare-for-all


Hillary Calls Tulsi a “Russian Asset,” Tulsi HITS BACK w/ Devastating Fa...

ANARCHY: The disgusting truth about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district | Ep 29

CNN’s Colossal COLLAPSE!!!

Who Knew That Politics Could Be So Political?! | The News & Why It Matt...

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate | Louder with Crowder

Hillary Clinton Got NUKED From Orbit TWICE In One Day, Tulsi Emerges Aft...

The Contrast Between Trumps Dallas Rally and Every Dem Rally and Debate

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Trump or Pelosi: Who REALLY Had the Meltdown? | The News & Why It Matter...

Anti-Tulsi CNN Pundit SMEARS Her AGAIN After She Calls Him Out During De...

CNN Protects Elizabeth Warren by Cutting Tulsi Gabbard Off

ANARCHY: Trump Protest Ends in Chaos I Minneapolis Sucks Pt. 2 I Slightl...

MADHOUSE: Trump Haters Unleashed I Minneapolis Sucks Pt.1 I Slightly Off...

Harry Reid: Elizabeth Warren More Corruptible Than Bernie

Trump’s Ceasefire in Turkey Proves Chuck & Nancy Are FOOLS! | Ep 465

Gabbard reacts to being attacked by CNN, New York Times

Democrats and Neocons Try, Fail to Stop Border Wall as Trump Vetoes Thei...

Tulsi Calls Out CNN To Their Face!

Democrats walk out of White House policy meeting

Our Constitutional Republic Is On Life Support and All We Focus On Are M...

Fights Break Out After Hypocrite Climate Change Activists Disrupt ELECTR...

Gidley slams Pelosi's 'disgraceful behavior' at White House meeting

Tulsi Gabbard: Wrong Candidate, Wrong Party, Wrong Issues and Wrong Time...

Even CNN Thinks Beto's Gun Grab is Crazy I Sara Gonzales Unfiltered

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Megyn Kelly joins Tucker Carlson in first interview since leaving NBC

Hannity: Trump calls Pelosi a 'third-rate politician'

AOC and the Squad Endorse Bernie

Tucker: 2020 Democrats turn on Warren

Is Trump a Liar or a 'Straight Talker'? | Louder with Crowder

British Couple SHOCKED That Illegally Entering The US Is ILLEGAL, Get De...

Tulsi Gabbard AGREES With Donald Trump on Syria!? | Ep 464

30 Day Ban on FB

So I'm currently in FB Jail on a 30 day ban for simply posting a funny meme. Something really needs to be done about censorship on social media. There is something wrong when we can't simple express our opinions without being punished for it.

For my friends who have checked me out here, I will be back on FB in a couple of weeks, a 30 day ban is like an eternity, especially when you can still see what everyone is posting and not being able to respond to it.

The frustration of so much being in the news and not being able to post at this time but, the time is winding down and I Will Be Baaaack!!!!!!!!!

LIBERALS ADMIT Democratic Debate DISASTERS Point to a Trump 2020 LANDSLI...

The Left Wants to Abandon Facebook: Good! I Don't Care if it's Cancel Cu...

Democrats Announce They WILL NOT Vote On Impeachment Authorization Again...

4th Democratic Debate (Ohio) RECAP - Worst Experience EVER!

LeBron James, China, Censorship, and the Dangers of Globalism

The Democratic Debate Was AWFUL, Trump Is Going To Landslide 2020, Admit it

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

STEP UP! Why 'Politics' Matters... | Louder with Crowder

Over 100 House Republicans back bill to censure Adam Schiff

Tucker: LeBron sides with China, not free speech

New Analytics Show Trump Might SWEEP With Nearly 400 Electoral Votes In ...

Fox News asks Ohio voters about the Hunter Biden scandal

Hannity: Pelosi doesn't really have the votes to impeach Trump

LeBron James has HEART EYES for China and Its Money | The News & Why It ...

The REAL Ukraine Scandal--& the Unlawful Impeachment Effort against Pres...

Why Is EVERY Stupid Argument Or Fight Now Racist? Why Is EVERY Minor Inc...

Democrats are LEAVING the Party in Droves!!!

LeBron SHAMES His Country by Siding with Genocidal Chinese Government | ...

Stop Waiting Breathlessly for Every OIG Report: Nothing’s Going to Happe...

Antifa Vandalizes Democratic Party HQ In Portland In Activist Memorial

Why America's Being Distracted By All MSM News Platforms, Not Just the O...

Jeff Zucker and CNN Exposed by Project Veritas

President Trump battling Republicans, Democrats to bring American troops...

CNN is Finally FINISHED!!!

ABC News Legacy Media Recycles 2010 Gun Range Video For Propaganda, Then...

Former Intelligence Worker SHOCKED That Military Supports Trump, Worries...

Hillary Clinton Finds it Difficult to Embrace Feminine Penises- but Not ...

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tucker Carlson on CNN's bias reportedly exposed

Transgender Person Shot by Illegal Immigrant

COWARDS: ‘Woke’ NBA’s China Hypocrisy! | Louder with Crowder

Hillary's Newest/Dumbest Excuse For Losing Election

Trump DESTROYS Ilhan Omar as an “America Hating Socialist”!!!

Trump TORCHES 'Wacko' Beto O'Rourke for Attack on Faith

HOW? Video of a FAKE Trump Causes People to be Furious at Trump | The Ne...

Revealed! - How The Media Is Lying Us Into Another Major Clash!

Joker Reaction - What Critics Got Completely Wrong About Joker | DIRECT ...

Spare Us Your Phony Outrage Over the Trump Meme Video, New York Times | ...

Tlaib, Dems Consider Soft Coup, Jailing Those who Resist Perpetual Subpo...

Journalist Fake Outrage Over Trump Video Meme Is HYPOCRISY At Its Finest

Hunter Biden Bends to Trump Pressure, Resigns from China-Backed Firm

Harry Reid Warns the Dems Not to Underestimate Trump: Will They Listen?

Democrats Consider Sacrificing US Troops Because Orange Man Bad

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Barr & Durham travel to Rome, as walls close in on mysterious Professor ...

New Arizona border wall set to prevent illegal crossings

Why Donald Trump Finally Actually Made The Right Move! Strategy Explained

Mark's Mailbox: Trump After Trump

Bill Maher SLAMS Far Left 'BS" Says Hes Sane For Not Buying Into Far left

Ilhan Omar and Tim Mynett Appear to Have Intermixed with Antifa at a DC ...

UFC Champ on Antifa: ‘I Don’t See a Masculine Individual in There At ALL...

Trump In Review (From a Non-partisan)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Withdrawal of US Troops from Syria Should Be the Permanent American Anti...


Trump Supporters ATTACKED Outside Minnesota Rally, Dozens Of MAGA Hats T...

Trans Activists Hijack CNN's LGBTQ Town Hall | Unfit to Print Ep. 28

About That Ukraine "Whistleblower"? He Worked Directly With Then-VP Biden

The Mythical Magical Threat of Messrs. Durham and Huber Swooping In to E...

Everything Wrong with Greta Thunberg! | Louder with Crowder

HOW Did Elizabeth Warren Become the 2020 Front Runner?! I Wilkow

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ocasio Cortez Could LOSE Her Seat In Congress, Moderate Democrat Announc...

Chuck Todd’s Ridiculous Over-Acting On Impeachment

We Need to Talk About That CNN LGBT Town Hall | Ep 461

The Democrats LOVE an Opportunity to Embarrass Themselves | The News & ...

Democrats Deep Ties To Russia & Ukraine Corruption!

Biden, Afraid to Actually Have to Compete, Calls for Trumps Impeachment

Ellen DeGeneres: Phony Baloney SJW Clone and Rodney King Channeler Milki...


Trump GOES OFF on Ilhan Omar: “America-Hating Socialist”

How Trump Again Showed the World (1) He'll Win Reelection and (2) He's t...

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How #FakeNewsMedia Outlets Are In the Front Line of #CognitiveDissonance

Bad News for #FakeNewsMedia Outlets: America Doesn’t Even Know Who You Are

Geologist: AOC is LYING About Fossil Fuels I Wilkow

Trump's Most SAVAGE Moments Against Hillary Clinton

Jimmy Dore rips Democrats on impeachment

Impeachment BACKFIRES On Moderate Democrats BAD, OUTRAGE And Booing Erup...

Ellen Defends Hanging With War Criminals

Trump DEFIES Impeachment Circus and Tells Democrats to SHOVE IT!!!

Miller Gives Hillary the Verbal Smackdown She Desperately Needs | Ep 459

Elizabeth Warren Caught Absolutely Lying About Her Pregnancy and Teaching

CNN’s Airport Monopoly Is FINALLY Coming to an END!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ilhan Omar Dumps Her Husband After Having an Affair: But It Doesn't Matt...

I’ve Been Saved, Redeemed and Delivered: Born Again and Slain in the Spi...

GOP Lawmakers: Adam Schiff is Lying to You

Why Liberals Hate Joker but Love Batwoman! | Louder with Crowder


Rachel Maddow Blames RUSSIA For Ukraine-Gate

DEMOCRAT 2020 DISASTER: Elizabeth Warren CAUGHT in Another LIE!!!

Impeachment-Obsessed Late Night TV Hosts ALL See Their Ratings PLUMMET!!!

Trump Suggests Ending US Involvement in Syria, Gets Hounded by Neocons a...

LYING LIZ! Warren Busted for Another Lie About Her Past | Ep 458

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Democrats wheel out 2nd whistleblower, Trump’s fundraising soars

Rachel Maddow and Chris Cuomo Run Cover For Adam Schiff's Lies | Unfit t...

Ocasio Cortez New Bill Grants FULL Welfare To ALL Illegal Immigrants, Co...

White House to preserve records of foreign talks

Legacy Media Tries, Fails to Explain Trumps Impeachment-Resistant Approv...

Gutfeld: After three years of poking the bear, the bear poked back

Giuliani rips 'corrupt' media, defends Trump's calls for Biden probe

President Trump rolls out executive order to improve Medicare for seniors

WATCH! Jim Jordan Gets Up And RIPS Adam Schiff To SHREDS

Antifa Activist Pleads GUILTY To FELONY, Will Be Sentenced To 18 Months ...

Biden Gets Spicy When Asked About His Sons Ukraine Foibles

Friday, October 4, 2019



The Hunter Biden Golfing Picture Is the Smoking Gun Leading to His Indic...

What It’s Like To Be Protested by Antifa - Dave Rubin Responds | POLITIC...

Surely These Text Messages Will Finally Take Down Trump! | The News & Wh...

Gowdy blasts Schiff: How long will Pelosi put up with him?

An Impeachment Inquiry Would Allow House Republicans to Subpoena Bidens

Why Elizabeth Warren Hasn’t Said Boo About the Bidens

There Will Be No Impeachment: No Signs, No Inquiry, No Movement, No Trac...

How Bernie’s Out, Lizzie’s In and CornPop Biden Will Be Crushed by the D...

CIA vs Donald Trump! How Ukraine Scandal Is Russia Gate 2.0

Dumbest Thing Ever Said On Meet The Press!



Michael Moore tells the truth about Joe Biden and triggers the MSNBC aud...

Look at this Photograph! Deplatforming Attacks on Trump Meme Make it Eve...

Nancy Pelosi’s Days Are Numbered Now That She Botched the Impeachment Folly

Vladimir Putin ROASTS Greta Thunberg and The Adults MANIPULATING Her!!!

Face it, Dems, Elizabeth Warren is Your Frontrunner Now

EXPOSED: Glaring Issues in the Whistleblower Complaint I America with Er...

Lewandowski Smacks Down the Non-Stop BS From Dems I America with Eric Bo...

#Hypocrite #Dems Laud #CIAWhistleblower But Have Never Heard of #NSAWhis...


#FakeNewsMedia Finally Recognize Reluctantly That #DeepState [DS] and #I...

Eating Babies to Stop Climate Change!? | Ep 456

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Ukraine: The Democrats' Russia

Americans are EXHAUSTED by the Left's Threat of Impeachment | The News &...


Democrats' Dastardly Plan to Discredit Bill Barr

Four Developments and Strategies That Trump Will Use to Destroy [DS] Swa...


Trump Says the Legacy Media is Insane, As they Say He Wants Moats and Ga...

The Democrats’ Impeachment Efforts are IMPLODING!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

There Are No Rules: Mitch McConnell Can Do Anything and Dems Can’t Do A ...

Schiff team tipped off by whistleblower before complaint filed

Hunter Biden Is the Posterchild for [DS] Nepotism Swamp Cons and Corruption

BERNIE IS DONE! His Hospitalization Will END His Candidacy!!!

If Trump’s Impeached You’ve Just Given Him the Electoral and Popular Vote

TRUMP Accuses Democrats of a COUP That is ALREADY FAILING MISERABLY!!!

Trump Dared to Expose Washington Nepotism Corruption and Now He Must Pay...


Trump claims Schiff 'helped write' whistleblower complaint

Sorry, Kamala You Can’t Cancel The Don! | Ep 454

Trumps Approval Seems Largely Unaffected by Impeachment Haranguing

Warren Pretends to be a Foe to Big Tech Power ft. Zuckerberg "Leaked" Audio

Giuliani considers legal action against House Democrats

What Happened After I Was Accused of White Privilege (Pt. 1) | David Web...

New York Times Whines About Trump, Demands Impeachment

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The "Ok Sign" And "Bowl Haircut" Added To Hate Symbol Database Because W...

Maxine Waters: Trump Should be IMPRISONED for 'Mob Language' | The News ...

Media's Misreporting Of Ukraine-gate Apes Misreporting Of Russia-gate

George Soros Now BANNED From 6 Nations!!!



ANTIFA ATTACKS elderly woman at a crosswalk


Maher May Be Right: The Ukraine Issue May Force a Biden Withdrawal

MSM, PLEASE Show Us Where the Quid Pro Quo Is! | The News & Why It Matt...

Host Smacks Down Democrat Defending Biden Corruption