Wednesday, October 16, 2019

30 Day Ban on FB

So I'm currently in FB Jail on a 30 day ban for simply posting a funny meme. Something really needs to be done about censorship on social media. There is something wrong when we can't simple express our opinions without being punished for it.

For my friends who have checked me out here, I will be back on FB in a couple of weeks, a 30 day ban is like an eternity, especially when you can still see what everyone is posting and not being able to respond to it.

The frustration of so much being in the news and not being able to post at this time but, the time is winding down and I Will Be Baaaack!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love and hugs always.. we miss you so much.. its ok we all love you.. see you soon

    1. Thanks Dreamli, miss you too, seems like I've been in FB jail forever. Couple of weeks left.
      Love and Hugs
