Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Time Of Good Memories

I remember when this song came out. it was a lot of fun that summer. I was living in Boston, playing music myself and going to the Sunset Series on The Boston Common. They had those for 2 years until the stuckups on Beacon Hill complained that volume levels were too loud and that ended that!!!!

But in the meantime, we had some great music that summer. It was the first time I'd ever seen the Faces play and what a night, outdoors on the park, started right at sunset, sun going down to the opening number. Faces did a great show that night. I've since seen both Faces and Rod Stewart dozens of times over the year. Always does a terrific show!!!!!

That summer, we also had shows by The Beach Boys, BB King, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Fleetwood Mac and so many others. But anyway, here's to the good times.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Mick

Today is Mick Jagger's birthday, so join me in wishing him a very rockin' day and many more to come. Congrats on a successful tour and to continued great music.
And to celebrate, here's a great tune I haven't heard in a while.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Tomorrow night, The Rolling Stones are doing their final show of this tour at Hyde Park, should be fantastic. This entire tour was incredible. They are spectacular as ever. The first time I saw them had to be somewhere around 81 or 82. Tickets were absolutely impossible to get. I ran around the city, this was in Boston and right after getting to the outlet, tickets were gone.

So, after a week or so of doing this, I found a ticket agency that had tickets. They were located in New Jersey and the tickets were for the concert in Hartford. So, I ordered the tickets which arrived the day of the show. We jumped into the car and raced to Hartford. Stayed there the night and it was all worth it. Best show I'd ever seen. So, Rock On Mates and have a Great Show!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

A lion and tiger and bear

Hi Mates, seeing that it's Monday, and I know we all don't like bloody Mondays, thought I'd post a bit of a warm and fuzzy for all of us to go awwwww to. Saw this yesterday and you must admit, definitely has that cute factor going for it.

A lion and tiger and bear!

As cubs a lion, a tiger, and a bear had been owned by a drug dealer who did not properly care for them. The bear’s harness grew into his skin because the owner did not alter it as the animal grew. They had been a...bused and neglected early in life, but were finally rescued. The bear's harness was surgically removed.

After they had been taken in by an animal sanctuary in Georgia, the staff tried to separate them due to obvious concerns that the three large predators would fight. During the trial of separation, the animals were uncooperative and behaved poorly. Once reunited, the three calmed down and were well behaved.

Twelve years later, the three friends spend their days playing, cuddling, and eating together. There are no plans to separate these lifelong friends.

 And that, my dear friends, is today's cheer-up picture.  Cheers :-)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rolling Stones - "Sympathy for the Devil" - Bridge to Babylon Tour '97 -...

Let's Get Started

Just to get started. I am Jas Wylde Harrison, I've been a singer in a couple of rock bands. Sang in Leper for a couple years, original speed metal in the Boston area. Then went on to form Andromeda in which I was the singer, guitarist and wrote all the songs. Had some fun times.

On here, I'll be posting music from time to time, just some songs I like. Hopefully, you will too. I'm also into movies which you'll see posted as well. Plus, I like to keep up with current events so you'll sometimes see me ranting or raving about something in the news.

So, it's all ongoing and experimental so we can discover new things together or maybe hear a song you haven't heard for a while. This will be evolving over time, so...... let's get started.