Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Let's Get Started

Just to get started. I am Jas Wylde Harrison, I've been a singer in a couple of rock bands. Sang in Leper for a couple years, original speed metal in the Boston area. Then went on to form Andromeda in which I was the singer, guitarist and wrote all the songs. Had some fun times.

On here, I'll be posting music from time to time, just some songs I like. Hopefully, you will too. I'm also into movies which you'll see posted as well. Plus, I like to keep up with current events so you'll sometimes see me ranting or raving about something in the news.

So, it's all ongoing and experimental so we can discover new things together or maybe hear a song you haven't heard for a while. This will be evolving over time, so...... let's get started.

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